Sep 30, 2007

I am on Facebook!

I am using LinkedIn for last 2+ years and also pay $20/month for the advanced features. Now i am also starting to use Facebook.

I don't think i can keep myself updated in both networks and sometime in the (near) future, may have to focus on only one... Right now, i have lot's of contacts in LinkedIn and less contacts in Facebook.

For now, i see there is a value in keep using (& paying?) LinkedIn and revisit some time in the future to discontinue one....

Is the Facebook is the Google of SN? It looks like...


Sep 24, 2007

[Gartner] Open Source Is the Big Disruptor

Here is the news article...w/ big numbers!

Sep 17, 2007

Success of COS model!

Earlier, i blogged about COS (Commercial Open Source) here...
Today's news about Yahoo buying Zimbra validates it...for $350M!

Sep 16, 2007

Storage Developer Conference '07

I attended this conference for first time here in San Jose and it was a great experience. (i like the venue)

Key take away from this conference are:
  • move towards application(i call this as AOS- Application Oriented Storage)
  • move towards general purpose hardware & cheap hardware
  • move towards open standards
  • move towards open source (Aperi is an example)
  • raise of Ethernet and slow death of Fibre Channel?
  • It looks like FCoE is the bridge for move towards ether?
  • XML/Webservice for management
So, it looks like a big shift is starting in the storage world!

Sep 9, 2007

Heart WALK, Cupertino.

American Heart Association is conducting a WALK for Heart. For more details:

Its starts in De Anza College, Cupertino. The date is Sep16th, 8:30am.

I am attending this walk and if you are in bayarea, may want to consider this...good social cause.

Sep 6, 2007

2 XML startup exit today...

I was following the SOA startup exits last year and it kind of became boring, after seeing the came across 2 more in the same category with focus just on XML:

LSI buys Tarari, a network security-control co., for $85M
The blog has all the details...
Input =$42.8 & Output =$85M, you do the math.

[2]Citrix buys XML security firm QuickTree
not sure about input & output here...

Exit is an exit and better than folding it up...